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Partnership Programs
She Ready Foundation is excited to collaborate with the following partners in our inaugural one-to-one support programs:

Children Youth & Family
Collaborative She Ready Fellows (CYFC)
Children Youth and Family Collaborative works in conjunction with teachers and administrators such that all stakeholders are in support of foster youth. The CYFC program has a 90-100 percent success rate at graduating High School youth and an excellent track record at college assistance and placement. This year 25 She Ready Fellows will receive the support they need through this award-winning program of one-on-one and small group tutoring, along with case management -- 5 days a week -- at their respective schools. With your support, our 25 Fellows will graduate and move on to higher education or productive careers.

Children’s Law Center California Luggage Distribution
Children’s Law Center of California (CLC) has been providing legal representation to foster youth since its inception in 1990. CLC represents 38,000 children in the Los Angeles, Sacramento, and Placer County foster care systems providing attorneys and social worker investigators who are often the only trusted adults in the lives of children in the foster care system. As a result, the She Ready Foundation is partnering with CLC to store quality luggage and distribute to children who are removed from their homes or are moving from one foster home to another, instead of having them use a trash bag or pillowcase. Last year, the She Ready Foundation gave away over 1000 pieces of luggage. The need is great, and we will continue to meet that need – one suitcase at a time.

The RightWay Foundation Mental Health Collaborative
The Right Way Foundation helps some of the most vulnerable foster youth in the system. As youth are transitioning, they are often forgotten and end up homeless and lost. This is where predators prey and the She Ready Foundation’s partnership with The Right Way Foundation supports youth who have been sex trafficked, by providing mental health services.